Status Update: July 2014

Category: article
Posted: July 14, 2014

imageIt may not happen often, but on occasion I find it fitting to treat this blog like a proper blog. That is, aside from when I’m ranting incoherently about how everyone in the games industry is pissing me off.

Which reminds me, dropping Twitter, or at least using it a lot less, has been a great help in that regard. If an environment is toxic, then the best antidote is to simply remove yourself from said environment. Figuratively speaking, of course.

In any event, I suppose first thing is first. The next episode of RamblePak is coming. I’m almost finished with the audio editing, but it has been delayed by a few real life obligations as well as other projects. I am hoping to begin editing the video this week, and ideally it will be completed by the end of the following week after. Once that is complete, I will begin recording footage for the next game in mind.

It is with my deepest apologies that such a long gap has existed. I am actually excited to get the video together. However, it hasn’t been as smooth a process as would be ideal.

The RambleCast might see another delay due to real life timing and issues getting in the way. Sadly, despite the large group of co-hosts I have to choose from, being able to get three together to discuss a single topic is not always easy. Hopefully there will be a new episode this coming Sunday, but it might not be until the week after.

As for why I’ve been a bit silent on the blog lately, there are a couple reasons. The first is that I’ve been preparing for 1994 week on GamersWithJobs, where you can read my articles Basements and Brothers, Princes, Kings. The former is a look back on my first time experiencing horror through video games, and the latter is a narrative piece based on Final Fantasy VI. I count both of them as being amongst my finest work over on GamersWithJobs, and highly recommend you check them out.

Be on the look out for another piece this week focused on Star Fox over there as well. As for the blog, I’ve got impressions of Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together stewing about, and am thinking of writing up a piece on the Netflix exclusive anime Knights of Sidonia. I’d also love to jump into writing about the latest Godzilla film, but otherwise I’m simply bouncing between several different games when I can, and waiting until I’m at a point that I’m comfortable writing about them.

Which comes to content not to expect. Firstly, I will not be finishing my Starship Damrey analysis. I still believe the entire game is worth analyzing piece-by-piece, but it’s a lot harder to do such a close-up of a game when you lack the ability to capture footage or screenshots. Video would be a much better medium for that level of critique, but I cannot provide it. Therefore, that series is finished. I will also not be writing about Super Mario 3D World or Wind Waker HD due to a lack of things to say. I might have tackle Mario Kart 8, but my Road to Joy piece on GamersWithJobs essentially says all I need to say on that game.

Finally, I am undecided on the fate of JRPDiary, the planned series on RamblePak64. I enjoyed working on the first episode, and would love to continue developing the different videos, but I feel that it would simply interfere too much with getting other videos together. I may simply work on those episodes slowly over time in-between my primary projects, and then set them aside until I can release them at a more regular pace. But for now, don’t expect to be seeing episode two. It is simply an idea that would work a lot better if I wasn’t working a full-time job.

So that’s a peak at what’s going on behind the scenes here, and some of what to expect in the coming weeks. Hopefully it gives any who follow plenty to look forward to.

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