The RambleCast - Diversity Talk #1
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This is likely going to be one of those episodes that blacklists me to a lot of people. It will be referenced negatively, and it could mean my mere presence on other websites or shows could be viewed negatively by fans. That is, assuming there are enough folks listening to this podcast for it to become that much of an issue. However, I feel like it’s a necessary discussion to have, and hopefully in the future we can have one of my other regulars on that is more Liberal than I am and more likely to call me out on certain thoughts and ideas.
Gerry, Joey and I want greater diversity in games, we just disagree with so many shallow attitudes about how it should be handled. If you have an opinion on the episode, be it a disagreement, an agreement, or even some other type of thought on the matter, please feel free to share it with us by e-mailing ramblepak64 at gmail dot com, commenting on the Facebook page, or even commenting here. Please be civil.
You can follow more of Gerry’s work at his Geek Bravado blog or by visiting his YouTube channel.
You can follow Joey at HeirAPPARENT310 on Twitter.
Ashes is written and performed by Threshold.
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