Eh! Steve! Conversational Grab Bag Vol. 6

In addition to the usual obstacles that prevented Steve and I from getting together to record an episode in a more timely fashion, I’d also been struggling to come up with a proper topic to discuss with Steve. The two of us seem to be in different places due to our gaming preferences right now, though much of that has to do with my comparative abundance of time. I’m able to keep up with and try out more games because my spare time is mine. As a husband and a father, his spare time is not only limited, but his gaming is sometimes dictated by his children. Literally! His sons seem to enjoy watching him suffer through an Overwatch match more than they like watching TV shows.
This had me disheartened a bit, but I came to him after the recording with an idea: I had already thought about having more “conversational” streams on the Twitch channel, but didn’t want to double the number of podcasts I was effectively running. The solution? Move Eh! Steve! to the Twitch channel. I have a number of friends that I’d been looking to bring on for discussing different games or industry topics, and this would allow an opportunity to vary up the topics, put less pressure on Steve himself, and perhaps increase the regular pace of these episodes. The Resident Evil Village episode featuring Joey and Zack and Batman: Arkham City episode with Shamus Young were a sort of “proof of concept” for this, though perhaps not intentionally so.
I would still strip the audio from each episode and upload it to iTunes and Google Podcasts, so nothing in that regard would change. It would just allow for some live audience interaction, start blending audiences a bit, and make it easier to bring in other guests for discussion. Steve himself had considered making such a shift himself, so we’re pretty much confirmed to begin making this change going forward.
When will the move become official? I don’t know. I have some additional prep work, I suppose, so episode 87, and perhaps even 88, will still be recorded the old fashioned way. Nonetheless, I’m hoping for this to help improve the podcast in the long run.
What games have you played in 2021 and enjoyed? What are you looking forward to? Please leave a comment below or send us an e-mail with your opinions.
Opening theme music by Fallen Prophecy.